The Parata PASS: A Full Suite of Scalability
With the growing presence of strip packaging in the market, patient awareness has reached a level where pharmacies without pouch packaging will be left behind. Make medication management easier for patients and staff while improving medication adherence. Our PASS suite enables better workflow, more prescriptions filled per year, and better patient health.

Get More Information About PASS
Reliable and Ready for Growth
Packagers, inspection, software, and compliments give you options and flexibility for growth. From our most essential packager all the way to multiple packagers and pouch inspectors in a centralized filling hub, every product in the PASS suite is designed to make your pharmacy team’s workflow more efficient, reducing errors, verification times, and even helping manage inventory. Start with a size to meet your med sync program to turn it into a genuine medication adherence engine.

Create custom pouch designs by patient or facility.

Ensure a match between the drug and smart canister with barcode scanning.

Expect flexibility and control with easy-to-use software.
Parata PASS™ 36 Pouch Packager
The PASS 36 is our most affordable option for pharmacies looking to start out with pouch packaging with a scalable solution for growth.
Parata PASS™ 208 Pouch Packager
Revolutionize medication administration and improve patient adherence and outcomes with the Parata PASS solution.
Parata PASS™ 300VP Pouch Packager
The Parata PASS 300VP dispenses unit- and multi-med administration and optimizes paper use with five variable pouch sizes.
Parata PASS Safe Loader®
Our light-to-fill tray automates the preparation of special tablet system trays.
Parata PASS™ 576VP Variable Pouch Packager
The PASS 576VP offers multiple selections so pouch size can change for each batch.
What PASS Customers Are Saying

PASS has this ability to almost make the pharmacy quiet. It flows so well with the PASS software that it’s a very relaxing work environment even though we have all of this going on and we’re filling all these scripts. It’s very easy.

The time savings are tremendous. But the additional accuracy and safety are much more important.

Right now, most independent pharmacists are concerned about their businesses’ future. I’ve never been more optimistic about my pharmacy.

We’ve gotten new patients from our automation through the PASS. The increased volume adds to the bottom line. In today’s pharmacy business, margins are tight, so making it up on more volume and lower gross margin is important.

Parata is just made of wonderful people. I know their technology is something I can count on.